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McKinley Elementary Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Mary Jo Rowan


Guidance Counselor, Poland McKinley Elementary School


School Phone


Poland McKinley Elementary School

REMIND/Google Classroom

Google Classroom code: f375p3v

To join my REMIND, text the number 81010 and text the message: @f7aag9.

Guidance Mission

The mission of the counselors of the Poland Schools is to provide high quality, comprehensive school counseling services to all students. Our programs are designed to help all students develop and enhance their academic, social, career, and personal strengths in order to become responsible and productive citizens. There is a commitment to individual uniqueness and the maximum development of human potential.

Through the skillful use of strategic, timely, and personal interventions, counselors customize educational experiences in order to enhance capabilities, close achievement gaps among high and low performing groups and support positive choices.

McKinley Elementary Guidance News

Pawsitive Leaders decorating hallway

The Pawsitive Leaders Club at McKinley met last week to decorate the halls with positive messages and reminders of the PAWS we practice: Positive, Always Respectful, Working Responsibly, and Safe. They are also making gratitude cards to hand out to those that they are thankful for!

2 large student groups in line, posing for game "Tigers, Traps, People"

PAWSITIVE LEADERS | Our 3rd Grade Pawsitive Leaders Club had their first meeting on Friday. They will meet as a team throughout the year and work together to make a positive, lasting impact in our schools. In an exciting game of "People, Tigers, and Traps", they learned the importance of collaboration and teamwork! (without getting trapped or eaten!)

Students wearing red on playground

The week of October 30-November 3 is Red Ribbon Week! View photos as we make good choices and  dress for our theme days!