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They cashed out! Mrs. Herdman's Helpers Update

Students eating lunch with Teacher

Mrs. Herdman's Helpers are still working hard in their classroom jobs to collect class cash! From stickers and no-homework passes, to the infamous stinky feet days, some of the 3rd-grade Bulldogs have been spendthrifts... These Bulldogs saved their cash for the largest prize of them all: Lunch with Mrs. Herdman!

For $500 of class cash, they earned a peaceful and friendly trip away from the lunchroom and back to their own classroom. Many of the big spenders said they enjoyed the peace and quiet for a change. Ava definitely spoke for the group when she said she wanted to spend more time with Mrs. Herdman.

Stay tuned: These Bulldogs got right back to work after lunch... They have a big project coming up, and it's about the BIG GAME! We're excited to share what they've been working on.

  • District
  • McKinley Elementary